The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), the metropolitan planning organization for Northeast Ohio, is pleased to invite all Lorain County mayors, county officials, and township trustees to NOACA’s 2024 Transportation Day & Safety Summit, featuring information on proven transportation safety measures, advocacy, and funding. We hope to provide a forum for learning and peer exchange that will reduce crash rates and improve safety in your communities.
WHAT: NOACA’s 2024 Transportation Day & Safety Summit
WHERE: Tri-C’s Jerry Sue Thornton Center, Ford Room, 2500 East 22nd Street, Cleveland (free parking)
WHEN: Tuesday, December 3, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (continental breakfast and lunch provided)
Featured topics and speakers include:
· Proven safety measures: ODOT safety officials
· Funding: Local recipients of Safe Streets for All Planning & Demonstration grants
· Advocacy experts
· Modal advocates/experts on safety for bicyclists, transit riders, and youth/teen residents
· More to follow….
This is an invitation-only event for county elected officials, mayors, township trustees, and NOACA Board members. Attendees are welcome to bring one guest/staff member.
Please RSVP to Bev Burtzlaff at no later than November 15.